We can keep you informed
if you keep us informed...
As always
... in Belgium
Every 1st and 2nd Thursday of the month from
20:00 to 24:00.
In "De Nieuwe Zurenborger", Dageraadplaats in Antwerp.
Online Multi-games-competition (NL)
Chess, checkers, Othello, go, DVONN and YINSH!
Sunday, December 18
Start at 11:00
Place: Denksportcentrum, Nieuwe Englaan 6, 1404EC Bussum, the Netherlands
For more info, contact *Jan de Graaf* or (if you read Dutch!) go to the Othello site.
Online GIPF League
The 3rd season of the GIPF league
For more info, go to the French or the English section of the League site.
Or contact *alesk*.
Coming up ...
More GIPF-clubs to be found?
More tournaments again?