Game 000826-05

Yoshi Ikkai versus Patrick Van de Perre (B)
GIPF World Championship, round 6
MSO 4, Alexandra Palace, London, August 26, 2000

Tight defensive play in the beginning, leading to a fight for the a4-h1 line. Yoshi get's the upper-hand with a beautiful sacrifice. Patrick doesn't find a way out of Yoshi's grip. Perfect example of how one single move can put somebody in big trouble …

1. Ge2 (16)
Gb3 (16)
2. Ge1-e3 (14)
Ga3-c3 (14)
3. Ge1-e4 (12)
Ga3-d3 (12)
4. Gf2 (10)
Gd2 (10)
5. Gf1-c2 (8)
c1-f3 (9)
6. d1-d4 (7)
b1-f4 (8)
7. e1-e5 (6)
b2;xb2,e5 (9)
8. h4 (5)
i3-g5 (8)
9. h3 (4)
c1-g3 (7)
10. xd2*,e3,h3;g1-e3 (5)
f1-d2 (6)
11. xd2;g2 (5)
b1-g4 (5)
12. xg2,g5;g2 (6)
b4 (4)
Diagram: click
13. e1-e5 (5) !!
xd3,e3,f2*;b2;xb2,Gd4,Ge5 (10)
14. c1-c4 (4)
a4-d4 (9)
15. b2 (3)
a2-d2 (8)
16. c1-c5 (2)
a3-d3 (6)
17. xc2,d3,Gg4,h4*;a2-c2 (5)
xc2,c4,c5;a4-c4 (9)
18. a1-e5 (4)
g1-g4 (8)
19. a1-f5 (3)
a3-d3 (7)
20. xd3,Gg4;g1-g4;xb4*,c4*,d4,g2 (7)
d1-d3 (6)
21. xd3-g4;f2 (8)

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