FAQ 1.
One player makes a move, through which the other player gets 4 pieces
in a row. One of the four pieces is a GIPF-piece. Who may choose
what happens with GIPF-piece, the player who made the move or the
player who must remove the pieces?
It is always the player who removes the
pieces who decides what happens with a GIPF-piece, no matter who
created the row.
FAQ 2.
When 4 (or more) pieces are lined up but none of the players has
noticed it until a few moves later, what should they do then?
The taking of pieces is compulsory in the
same way as with checkers: you have the right to force your opponent
to remove a row of 4 (or more). If neither of the players notices
a row of 4 - or both pretend not having noticed it - then nothing
happens, until, of course, one of the two points it out.
FAQ 3.
A question regarding the beginning of the tournament version. Suppose
I have 4 GIPF-pieces in a row. I haven't played a basic piece yet.
I decide to take one GIPF-piece from the board. May I still bring
more GIPF-pieces into play after having removed a GIPF-piece?
Yes. The fact that you removed a GIPF-piece
does not influence what you may do next.
FAQ 4.
I have 2 questions about one and the same situation. Picture this:
I just made a move and created two rows that must be captured. One
of the rows is mine, the other belongs to my opponent. My opponent's
row consist of 4 basic pieces, extended by one of my GIPF-pieces.
My 2 questions are based upon the fact that the situation on the
board is the result of a move I made:
1. I have the right to remove my row first, but may I also ask my
opponent to go first?
2. Can he capture my GIPF-piece?
1. It is always the player who creates
such a situation who goes first.
2. It is always the player who removes a row who decides what happens
with the GIPF-pieces in the row, regardless of their colour.
FAQ 5.
You mention in the rules, under STRATEGY, that "a turn always starts
by putting a piece on a dot!". You also mention this is "obligatory
during tournaments". Are there other fixed rules for making a move
when playing competition?
There are, indeed. Some of them are in
the rules (e.g. the one you quoted), others aren't. Here are the
rules that must be applied when a dispute arises:
- The top side of
a piece is the side with the furrow. Pieces must be brought into
play with the furrow-side up.
- Making a move,
capturing pieces and dealing with the clock must be done with
one and the same hand.
- A turn always starts
by putting a piece on a dot, no matter whether it will be pushed
onto a vacant spot or an occupied spot. As long as a piece is
on a dot, it may be taken back.
- Occupying a vacant
spot: as soon as a piece on a dot is pushed towards the play area,
the move may not be taken back.
- Occupying an already
occupied spot: as soon as a piece in the play area has been touched,
the move may not be taken back.
- Pieces on the board
must be moved one by one, always beginning with the furthest piece
in the row and ending with the piece on the dot.
- The players are
expected to leave the board in good order after their move; all
pieces should be clearly resting on their spots.
A player who obstructs his opponent's play by not applying these
regulations, will get a warning from a referee. A second warning
automatically means a penalty: his opponent will get 2 extra minutes
play time. A second time penalty automatically means the loss
of the current game.
FAQ 6.
Each player starts the game with 18 pieces. Since the rules of the
tournament version say that a removed GIPF-piece becomes 2 single
pieces in the reserve, I assume that 9 is the maximum number of GIPF-pieces
that one can play. Is that correct?
No. The one and only rule in this matter
is: as long as you have only played GIPF-pieces, you may continue
bringing GIPF-pieces into play. (See FAQ 3.)
FAQ 7.
GIPF cannot end in a tie? Why not? When both players have 4 pieces
left and use them to systematically form rows of 4 pieces, wouldn't
that be a tie?
It may happen that two players start repeating the same sequence of
moves. It is rare but theoretically possible, even in such a way that
it is understandable that both players continue the sequence. In this
case, it would not be fair to let time determine the winner.
If it would occur during a competitions or a tournament (i.e. when
playing with a clock), then the game may be interrupted as soon as
the same pattern occurs minimally 3 times on the board. The players
should call for a referee. He will stop the clock and let the players
start a new game (as with Shogi). The players switch colours and their
respective play time is what they have each left from the previous
game. As such, a tie is still not possible and it still prevents the
possibility that 2 players would come to the agreement to share a
FAQ 8.
What happens when I have a row of 4 GIPF-pieces and I decide to leave
all four of them on the board? If these four pieces are still lined
up when it is my turn again, can I still remove one of them or should
I have done it the same turn as the row of four was formed?
If the 4 GIPF-pieces are still lined up when
it is your turn again, this means that your opponent did not break
the row. As long as the 4 (or even more) GIPF-pieces are lined up,
you may choose to remove one or more of them. You may do that before
or after you make a move, for as long as the row remains intact.
FAQ 9.
I have two rows on the board, both with a GIPF-piece. They don't intersect.
I remove one row and leave the GIPF-piece on the board. Next I remove
the second row. May I still decide to remove the GIPF-piece of the
first row?
If I were playing, I would have no problems with
it. When you want to play it strict (i.e. according to the tournament
rules), you are supposed to deal with the rows one by one, which means
that, in the case you mention, you may not remove the GIPF-piece of
the first row any more.
FAQ 10
What if a player takes both his own and his opponent's last GIPF from
the board? Would that be a tie?
No. The one who removed the GIPF-pieces still
wins. In the spirit of the game it is clear that the other player
was clearly in a lost position. It makes no sense to disagree with
FAQ 11
Recently I played GIPF with a friend and the following happened: the
moment I captured my friends last GIPF-piece, my flag fell. To be
very clear: it fell after I removed his GIPF-piece from the board
but before I could hit the clock. So you could say that I won before
I lost: I took his last GIPF-piece before I ran out of time.
You win! After a player's flag has fallen,
he has the right to finish his move. Even if you have not started
to make a move yet, you may still do so. If you're playing in a tournament,
call a referee if this situation occurs. He will give you one minute
(i.e. adjust the clock) to finish your last move.
This also counts when your opponent just played his last piece. It
is your turn but your flag falls: you may finish your move. And you
win because your opponent has no more piece to play (i.e. he can't
put you back in turn).
FAQ 12
Maybe a stupid question, but, nonetheless, I would like to know the
answer. I would like to know what happens when playing a competition
game and my opponent starts with a single piece instead of a GIPF-piece.
Do I win without even having made one move?
Your opponent made an invalid move and must
play again. One *must* start with a GIPF-piece.
