The rules
1. The contest will consist of 6 GIPF-puzzles,
that will be put on line on Sunday, October 7, at exactly 16:00
Greenwich Mean Time. (The count down timer on the home page of this
site will give you an idea when that will be, but participants are
adviced to look for their own source to check the exact GMT time.)
2. The question to be answered is the same
for all 6 puzzles: which move must White make to start a sequence
of at most 6 moves against which Black will have no defence? In
other words: it is White's turn; what must he play to win with maximally
6 moves? The solution must be the shortest possible winning sequence.
3. You must only note down White's first
move. We advise you to use the
standard way of noting down a move, but you may use any
method, so long as what you send us is unquestionably clear and
not open to any other interpretation than the correct solution.
4. You have 7 days to send us your solutions.
The contest closes exactly one week after its start, thus on Sunday,
October 14, at 16:00 GMT.
5. Use the standard answer sheet to let
us know your solutions. Only 1 - one! - answer sheet is allowed
per participant and per e-mail address.
The prizes: 3 DVONN-prototypes
The prototypes will consist of a handmade board and box, and a rare
set of test-pieces (i.e. pieces that were manufactured before the
shape and colour of the eventual DVONN pieces were determined).
The boxes will be signed and dated.
1. The first participant to send in 6 correct
solutions, wins the first prototype.
2. The winner of the second prototype will
be draw randomly from all the participants who send in 6 correct
solutions before 16:00 GMT on Sunday, October 14. (That is, all
the participants except the winner of the first prototype.)
3. The winner of the third prototype will
be drawn randomly from all the participants (except the winners
of the first two prototypes) who send in at least one correct
solution before 16:00 GMT on Sunday, October 14.
Force majeur
1. We have no experience with this kind
of on line contest. We'll do whatever we can to prepare the contest
thoroughly. But apart from that, we can only keep our fingers crossed
and hope that we won't have to deal with technical or electronic
problems. E.g. in the last few weeks we had quite a bit of trouble
with our provider again. In case something beyond our power should
interfere with the competition, then we'll just simplify the contest
and make it a "lottery" all the way. An "innocent
hand" will draw 3 names out of a pool of all the participants.
If the problems are of such a kind that even that is not possible,
No idea. We refuse to consider that possibility yet!
2. The given puzzles will be thoroughly
checked, but one never knows
Two things can go wrong: either
a puzzle can have a second correct answer, or a solution for a puzzle
may prove to be incorrect, meaning that there is no solution for
that puzzle. With the permission of you all, we would like to call
that, too, as something beyond our power
In the first case
there's not really a problem: a second solution will also be considered
as correct and nothing changes. In the second case
No idea.
We refuse to consider that possibility yet!
Go to the puzzles