Japanese Championship

Organisation: games club Togenkyo
Place: Spieleburg, Osaka
Date: January 23, 2000
Format: Swiss system, 5 rounds, 20 min. player/game

Yoshi Ikkai strikes again

6 Players measured up with each other to find out who was going to be the first Japanese GIPF Champion. Each participant had to face the 5 others. After 5 rounds 3 players shared the first place with 4 wins out of 5 games. These 3 winners played 2 extra rounds, with the following result:

1 Ikkai, Yoshi       	5:W 3:W 2:L 6:W 4:W 2:W 3:W    6 / 7
2 Kishimoto, Masayuki 	6:W 4:W 1:W 3:L 5:W 3:W 1:L    5 / 7 
3 Hayashi, Daiki      	4:W 1:L 5:W 2:W 6:W 2:L 1:L    4 / 7 
4 Omodera, Osamu      	3:L 2:L 6:W 5:W 1:L            2 / 5
5 Umeda, Masahiro     	1:L 6:W 3:L 4:L 2:L            1 / 5
6 Hamada, Akira       	2:L 5:L 4:L 1:L 3:L            0 / 5


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