April 23, 2004
YINSH gets a Mensa Top 5 Award

Every year, Mensa -- the organization for highly brainy people -- gives out awards to their favorite games. Mensa Select® winners are chosen annually at the Mensa Mind Games® competition. This year's competition was held April 16-18 in Chicago. ZÈRTZ got a Mensa Top 5 Award in 2000, DVONN got one in 2002, and this year it is YINSH's turn. Nice! :-)

GIPF Set 1 is available again

We have again 300 copies of GIPF sets 1. As mentioned in an earlier piece in this news section, there's little intrest in playing GIPF with potentials. That is why we've assembled only 300 pcs. And that is also the reason why GIPF Set 1 is quite expensive: the advised retail price in Europe is 7,50 € - in fact, for just a little box with 6 white and 6 black plastic pieces. Sorry for that.

Gipfers in North-America shall have to be patient a bit longer. GIPF Set 1 is on its way, but it may take another 5 to 6 weeks before you'll find them in some of the specialized games shops. (BTW: GIPF Set 2 will also become available again in the US.)

Boardspace.net is...

... a new place where you can play ZÈRTZ online in real time. Dave Dyer is the man behind this new portal, and his plans are to let it become a place with plenty of games for people who fancy abstract 2-player games. The site is still under contruction, but everything has been made ready yet to play ZÈRTZ and ZÈRTZ+11 in real time. Dave also offers the possibility to play agains a robot. The robot is not a really strong player, but, it must be said, it is the best ZÈRTZ A.I. I've played against so far. So, he's a good sparing partner to learn the basic strategies.

Boardspace.net is also the place to be if you want to play in "the ZÈRTZ League".
Read more about this in the agenda or go to the events-section on Michael Reitz's ZF1-site.
GIPF, TAMSK, ZÈRTZ, DVONN and YINSH ® & © Don & Co NV. Content © Kris Burm. All rights reserved.