July 21, 2002 ZF1:
a program to analyse ZÈRTZ
Since ZÈRTZ was released (in the
beginning of 2000, that was) quite a number
of people have let us know that they were
writing a program to play ZÈRTZ or
to simulate it. Stephen Tavener wrote about
ZÈRTZ that, each time it is your
turn again, you must look at the board as
if it were a puzzle. That is probably why
quite a lot of players felt - and still
feel - like digging deep in the possibilities
the game has to offer. And by doing so,
many have understood that ZÈRTZ is
a very unforgiving game. Each time it is
your turn you must try to win the game for
there; and if that is not possible, then
you must look for a move that will not make
you lose after having put your opponent
in turn again. In other words: each single
marble you put on the board and each ring
you remove is crucial!
Now Michael Reitz (one of the very
deep diggers!) has finished his first version
of ZF1, a program to play ZÈRTZ.
It is not a program against which you can
play (i.e. it has no A.I.), but it makes
it easy to make analysis', to move marbles
and remove rings, to save and to load diagrams,
The program is very easy to download and
it offers many more options then the few
mentioned above. In my opinion, the most
interesting feature is that it allows to
play with many different boards, starting
with 37 rings (the basic number) and ending
with no less than 61 rings. That is 13 rings
more than the 48 rings that are currently
used for tournaments. Some say that ZÈRTZ
will eventually be played with 61 rings,
so ZF1 gives the adventureous players already
an opportunity to give it a try! If you're
interested, then go to the
place to be for a free download!
Note: ZF1 was named after Kurt Van den Branden's
GF1, meaning"GIPF For One". So,
guess that ZF1 means...
E-ZERTZ with
11 additional rings
Speaking about Kurt Van den Branden: it
has taken a while, but Kurt has found the
time to finish ZERTZ+11. That is a program
that makes it possible to play ZÈRTZ
by e-mail with 11 additional rings (i.e.
the number of rings that are used to play
tournaments). A few insiders knew that the
program was available on Richard's
PBeM server for already a month
or two as "ZERTZ11". The tests
have prooved yet agian that Kurt did a fantastic
job, so meanwhile Richard Ronglie has added
the game as ZERTZ+11 to his server's list
of game. Enjoy it!
MSO6 without
Too bad!
Maybe next year again! Who knows?
