As for adding potentials to GIPF, adding extra rings to ZÈRTZ is an option! Starting to play ZÈRTZ on an enlarged board only makes sense if you have first mastered the basic strategies. If you are not familiar with long sequences of moves (e.g. forcing your opponent to six, seven and even more consecutive captures to obtain the marbles you want) we advise you not to use extra rings; it would just mean that it takes longer before you reach an interesting situation on the board. In other words: if you are not an experienced ZÈRTZ-player, adding rings to ZÈRTZ makes the game boring - and that is not the purpose. ZÈRTZ has more than enough depth as it is.


... if you know well how to control marbles on the board and see the moves to get them where you want them to be, then you may find an extra challenge in making the board larger. Start with 3 extra rings; 3 extra rings don't add that much complexity, but, because of the irregular hexagonal shape, they make it possible to play more different opening moves.

If you want to go further you can play with 7 extra rings...

... or even with 11. The more rings, the harder it will become to find the solutions you are looking for.

Note 1: you don't need extra marbles; the number of marbles and the conditions to win remain unchanged.
Note 2: you'll find a 12th rings in GIPF Set 2. That is a spare piece. And you may need it if you have two Sets 2 and want to play ZÈRTZ with 24 extra rings.
Note 3: some advanced players don't exclude that the definite version of ZÈRTZ will be played on a board with 61 rings (i.e. with 24 rings, indeed). You are warned!

GIPF, TAMSK, ZÈRTZ, DVONN and YINSH ® & © Don & Co NV. Content © Kris Burm. All rights reserved.