Noting down a game of ZÈRTZ shouldn't cause
too much trouble. The only difficulty is that you must take care not
to lose track with the coordinates while the board shrinks. For that
reason, it may be handy to draw a pattern of the board and assemble
the rings on that pattern. To make it even more easy, you can already
mark the spaces with their respective coordinates. That way taking
notes of ZÈRTZ will become a piece of cake (in particular when
comparing it with noting down a game of GIPF!).
Board with 37 rings.
The board consist of 7 vertical rows, marked with
the letters "a" to "g". Count the rings from
the bottom upwards. Use small letters for the coordinates and capitals
to indicate the colour of the marbles: W(hite), G(ray) and B(lack).
A. Placing
a marble and removing a ring.
First note down the colour of the marble you choose to play with
and the coordinate of the ring you put it onto. Next you put a comma,
followed by the coordinate of the ring you remove.
For example: Wd4,d1
B. Capturing one or more marbles
by jumping.
A capture must be marked with a small "x". That you note
down first. Next you write down the coordinate of the ring with
the marble you'll use to capture, followed by the letter that indicates
the colour of the marble you capture, and next the coordinate of
the ring where your move ends. If you can make a second capture,
you go on with the letter of the second marble you jump over, followed
by the coordinate of the ring where the marble lands, etc.
For example: x d1Gd3Wd5
C. Capturing one or more marbles
by isolating.
Note down your move as described in A. above. If the ring you remove
isolates one or more marbles, then you mark it with a small "x",
followed by the colour(s) of the marble(s) you isolate and the coordinate(s)
of the ring(s).
For example: Bd7,b2 x Wa1Wa2
For the experienced players:
Board with 48