World Championship

Organization: Antwerp GIPF Centre & Heidelberger SpieleVerlag
Place: Spiel '04, Essen, Germany
Date: 23 october 2004
Format: Swiss system, 12 min. player/game
Participants: 10

International top 3

It was a pity that only 10 players had registered for the World Championship. The championship format was the Swiss System and that meant that we could only play 5 rounds. A pity, indeed, 7 rounds would have been more fun. But, hey, the atmosphere was great! Just ask Romario. He had only played two games of ZÈRTZ in his life, but he managed to win three games. A great effort. Only the three medal winners did better. This top-3 was really international with players from 3 different countries. Werner Dupont (Belgium), Michael Reitz (Germany) and Sebastian Bleasdale (UK) had four wins each. But there can be only *1* World Champion. So, Medio Bucholtz was used as a tie-breaker. And what did the MB-score determine? That Sebastian was the winner of the ZÈRTZ WC 2004! Congratulations!

The three winners, with 4 points each: Sebastian Bleasdale (in the middle) won the title, just in front of Werner Dupont (left) en Michael Reitz (right).



Place Name                    Fed.     Score    M-Buch. Buch. Progr.    

1-3   Bleasdale, Sebastian    UK         4        9.0   15.0   10.0 
      Dupont, Werner          B          4        9.0   14.0   13.0 
      Reitz, Michael          D          4        9.0   14.0   11.0 
4-5   Romario,                D          3        8.0   13.0   11.0 
      Nuyttens, Christof      B          3        7.0   12.0   10.0 
6-7   Kwan, Alan              HK         2        8.0   13.0    7.0 
      Van Den Branden, Kurt   B          2        8.0   13.0    5.0 
8-10  Stratmann, Kolja        D          1        6.0   11.0    1.0 
      Claes, Robrecht         B          1        6.0   10.0    3.0 
      Van De Perre, Patrick   B          1        5.0   10.0    4.0       

Cross Table

No    Name                   Fed.        1     2     3     4     5  

1.    Bleasdale, Sebastian    UK        6:L  10:W   4:W   3:W   7:W
2.    Claes, Robrecht         B         7:L   9:L   8:W   4:L   5:L
3.    Dupont, Werner          B         8:W   6:W   7:W   1:L  10:W
4.    Kwan, Alan              HK        9:W   5:L   1:L   2:W   6:L
5.    Nuyttens, Christof      B        10:W   4:W   6:L   7:L   2:W
6.    Reitz, Michael          D         1:W   3:L   5:W   9:W   4:W
7.    Romario,                D         2:W   8:W   3:L   5:W   1:L
8.    Stratmann, Kolja        D         3:L   7:L   2:L  10:L   9:W
9.    Van De Perre, Patrick   B         4:L   2:W  10:L   6:L   8:L
10.   Van Den Branden, Kurt   B         5:L   1:L   9:W   8:W   3:L




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