A brand new tool to study ZÈRTZ: ZF1,
a program written by Michael Reitz. Without A.I., but with plenty
of features to make a thorough analysis of any ZÈRTZ situation
that you can possibly encounter.
And here's another a good advise if you want to improve your play:
when you're playing a game of ZÈRTZ and you find yourself
confronted with a intresting situation, draw a diagram of it. When
the game is finished - or some other time - you can have a look
at it again - e.g. by making use of using ZF1 !
Here are two PDF-files, one with diagrams of ZÈRTZ with 37
rings, and one with diagrams of ZÈRTZ with 48 rings. That
will make it easier to make drawings. The diagram of ZÈRTZ
with 37 rings looks as shown below. Note down W's, G's and B's for,
respectively, White, Grey and Black marbles and strike out the rings
that have been removed.
ZÈRTZ with
37 rings
ZÈRTZ with
48 rings