During MSO 4, at the Alexandra Palace in London
Date: August 26
Format: Swiss system over 7 rounds, 25 minutes per player/game
Entry fee:
Adults: £ 13
Under 16: £ 5
1st place: £ 300 + gold medal
2nd place: £ 150 + silver
3rd place: £ 50 + bronze medal
Registration: |
11:00 |
1st round: |
11:10 |
2nd round: |
12:10 |
3rd round: |
13:10 |
4th round: |
16:00 |
5th round: |
17:00 |
6th round: |
18:00 |
7th round: |
19:00 |
GIPF is a "game". Apart from these rules, we count on the sportsmanship of the participants to make the GIPF World Championship an enjoyable event.
1.1. The GIPF tournament is organised by DON & CO NV, Van Den Nestlei 7, bus 6, B-2018 Antwerpen, in partnership with the organisers of the fourth Mind sports Olympiad (MSO4). As from here on, DON & CO NV will be referred to as "the organiser" and is fully responsible for running the GIPF-tournament during MSO4.
1.2. The official language of the tournament is Dutch. In any case of doubt or disagreement, the organiser will have the right to refer to the regulations in Dutch.
1.3. The organiser has the right to change the regulations below if necessary.
Art. 2 GIPF
2.1. The participants must play according to rules as described in the GIPF rulebook, under part 3. TOURNAMENT RULES. By entering the tournament, a participant agrees to abide by these rules.
2.2. Regulations about how to make a move:
1. The top side of a piece is the side with the furrow. Pieces must be brought into play with the furrow-side up.
2. Making a move, capturing pieces and dealing with the clock must be done with one hand.
3. A turn always starts by putting a piece on a dot, no matter whether it will be pushed onto a vacant spot or an occupied spot. As long as a piece is on a dot, it may be taken back.
4. Occupying a vacant spot: as soon as a piece on a dot is pushed towards the play area, the move may not be taken back.
5. Occupying an already occupied spot: as soon as a piece in the play area has been touched, the move may not be taken back.
6. Pieces on the board must be moved one by one, always beginning with the furthest piece in the row and ending with the piece on the dot.
7. The players are expected to leave the board in good order after their move; all pieces should be clearly resting on their spots.
2.3. A player who obstructs his opponent's play by not applying to rules that are stipulated in point 2.4. above, will get a warning from a referee. A second warning automatically means a penalty: his opponent will get 2 extra minutes play time. A second time penalty automatically means the loss of the current game.
2.4. All matches are played with a time limit. Time keeping will be done by means of chessclocks. A participant is supposed to be able to handle such a clock.
2.5. Each player has a playing time of 25 minutes per game for a unlimited number of moves. If a players runs out of time before the game is finished, he loses the game.
2.6. The players are responsible for their own time keeping. In case there would be a mechanical problem with a clock, the players must call for a referee. The referee will replace the clock en set up the remaining time of the two players. After that, the current game must be continued.
2.7. When 2 players start repeating the same sequence of moves over and over again (with a minimum of 3 times the same pattern on the board), then the game may be interrupted if one of the players asks for it. The referee will stop the clock. The players start a new game with their remaining time. The player who played with white in the first game, now plays with black and vice versa.
2.8. When a game is over, the time must be stopped immediately. The referee notes down the result of the game and both players confirm the result with a signature.
3.1. Two referees will run the tournament and keep the scores. Their instructions are to be followed at any time and their decisions are binding and irrevocable for all participants.
3.2. Before the start of each game, the referee will ask the participants to check whether the clock is well adjusted and whether the two sets of pieces are complete.
3.3. The players have to take their place on the tables in time, but only the referee can decide when the game starts. If one of the players is not present in time, the referee can decide to begin the match without him/her. This means that the clock will be started.
3.4. Every attempt to cheat will result in the loss of the current game.
3.5. In case of a dispute or a conflict, the clock can be stopped in agreement with the referee. If, after mutual consultation, no solution can be found, the referee's will take a final decision to solve the problem.
4.1. By entering the tournament, the contestants agree to abide by these regulations.
4.2. The organisers are not responsible for accidents of any kind that may happen during the tournament.
Note: we advise you to read the FAQ-list on this site with great attention!
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