fact that d5 is now occupied by a white piece, causes a threat for the Black
GIPF on f4. It makes that Black can’t play at the top of the board, because
whatever move he makes there, White will always be able to play either 2.
b5 or a3-e7…
But it isn’t any better at the bottom half of the
board. If Black would play 1. … f1-f3
(or g2, which doesn’t make any
difference), White will block the a4-h1 line: 2. a3-g2. Black will have no other choice than 2. … f1-f6;xGf6. White won’t even bother about the black pieces
on e4 and g2, but play 3. a3-d3 and
capture Black’s last GIPF with his next move.