Black had 2 possibilities that could not be countered without creating another possibility: c7-c5 and e8. With 1.  c1-h3 White blocked these two ways out with one single move. Some of the possible attempts and the respective counters:

- if 1. … c7-c5, then 2. i2-g4;x
- if 1. … e8, then 2. a4-d4
- if 1. … a1-c3, then 2. a3-c5
- if 1. … i1-e5, then 2. f8-f2
- if 1. … g6, then 2. i4-g4
- if 1. … i4-g4, then 2. c7-c5;x 

(1. h3 would not have worked. It blocks the c1-i3 line, which gives Black another chance: 1. … a4-d4 - and a sure capture on either the d1-d8 line or the b1-i4 line.)