If you want to improve your knowledge of GIPF,
then this is where you must be. Solving puzzles is very useful to
understand more of what the game is all about. Note that you'll
find GIPF-pieces in all of the given problems, so you're supposed
to be familiar with at least the standard version of GIPF. Even
better is that you know the rules of the tournament version.
Below you'll find several series of puzzles. The given solutions
are not supposed to explain everything; that would be too complicated
and, in a number of cases, it would cause more confusion than bring
clarity. In case you are unsure about a certain solution, we advise
you to take your game of GIPF and check it out with pieces on the
board. If you don't have a game at your disposal, then make your
own copy. The design of the board is easy to draw and you can use
whatever you want as pieces: buttons, shells, checkers, etc.
GIPF-puzzles still are a rather new notion. We don't have much experience
with this matter yet and have few references to work with. Please
inform us if you find a "bug" in one or more of the puzzles. Suggestions
and corrections are very welcome.
Through solving this first series of puzzles, you'll find out some
of the basic principles of playing GIPF.
1 (1)
2 (1)
3 (1)
4 (1)
5 (1)
6 (1)
7 (1)
8 (1)
Eight multiple choice puzzles. Not too hard…
Pay attention to how the given solutions are noted down; it will
help you to understand how to take notes of a game of GIPF.
The problems in this series are presented without specific descriptions,
i.e. as situations that may occur in any game of GIPF. The question
most of the time goes as follows: what would be the best move? Put
in other words: you must find out yourself what you must look for.
The reason for leaving the problems undefined, is that the characteristics
of GIPF are completely different from e.g. chess. Describing a GIPF-problem
in detail, often implies that the phrasing in itself already reveals
half of the solution, so the answer in a number of cases would become
too obvious - which, as you'll understand, is not the purpose. To
make it even more difficult, some of the problems are not really
meant to be problems. It is up to you to find out which of the problems
have a straight solution and which are just interesting situations
with a suggested next move.
But so as not to make life too hard on you, we provided each problem
with a Tip. If you think to have found a solution or if you want
to know in which direction you must search, then click on it. Each
Tip will reveal something concrete about the respective problem.
These 12 puzzles were assembled for the first GIPF Problem Solving
Championship, which took place on August 28, 1999, during the third
Mind Sports Olympiad in London. It turned out to be an extremely
difficult contest. The participants - amongst whom a number of the
most experienced Gipfers - suffered for 2 long hours and most didn't
feel well immediately after having handed over their answers. And
even worse after having heard their score… but that was then! Meanwhile
it is acknowledged that there are real beauties amongst the MSO
If you want to know more about this event, then read the report.
All 12 puzzles have the same starting point: White is to play and
wins the game in at most 6 moves. The task, for each problems, is
to find what White should play with his next move in order to force
the win. Only one move must be found (i.e. the first move of the
sequence against which Black has no defense). That move must concern
White's shortest possible win. A move which leads to a win with
a certain number of moves is incorrect if there is another way to
win with fewer moves. That's it. Have fun!
If you want to know how the championship was regulated in detail,
read the rules.
Note 1: each problem is provided with
3 TIPS. The participants of the championship in London had to look
for the solutions without these tips.
Note 2: don't feel frustrated if you don't find as many of
the solutions as you would like. As said before: even the most experienced
Gipfers had real difficulties. Look at them as examples that reveal
part of how GIPF can be played on a higher level.
Note 3: all the problems are checked and double checked in
advance by several players, but since GIPF (released in 1997) must
still be considered as a rather new game, it must be said that the
level of play - in general - has not reached the point where it
is possible to give an absolute guarantee that no "bugs" will be
found in the given problems. Though, when the championship was over,
all the problems (and their respective solutions) have been discussed
thoroughly, and until now no backdoor has been detected.
Multiple choice puzzles again. All of the puzzles below have been
published on KMW's Spielpl@tz and Spielbox Online in 2000. Some
are easy, others aren't…
1 (5)
2 (5)
3 (5)
4 (5)
5 (5)
6 (5)
7 (5)
8 (5)
9 (5)
10 (5)
11 (5)
12 (5)
13 (5)
14 (5)
15 (5)
16 (5)
The 6 puzzles of the first Online GIPF Puzzle
Contest. They were put on line on Sunday, October 7, 2001, at exactly
16:00 Greenwich Mean Time and participants had one week to send
in their solutions.
The question to be answered is the same for all 6 puzzles: which
move must White make to start a sequence of at most 6 moves against
which Black will have no defence? In other words: it is White's
turn; what must he play to win with maximally 6 moves? The solution
must be the shortest possible winning sequence.
Read the complete rules
of the contest.