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The first GIPF Problem Solving Championship is history! It took place on August 28, 1999, during de 3rd Mindsports Olympiad in London. If you have read the news on this site (September 6) you already know that it turned out to be an extremely difficult contest. The participants - amongst which a number of the most experienced Gipfers - suffered for 2 long hours and quite a few of them didn’t feel well immediately  the having handed over their answers - and even worse after having heard their score…  Meanwhile everybody seems to be recovered from the mental dammage and, it may be said, it is now acknowledged that their are real beauties amongst the problems.

At the bottom of this page you’ll find the index of the 12 problems which the participants had to face. But first some of the important paragraphs out of the list with the championship regulations:  

  1. Each of the (12) problems has the same starting point: White may win the game in at most 6 moves. There will be no further specification of any of the problems.

  2. White is to play. The task, for each problems, is to find what White should play with his next move in order to force the win. Only one move must be noted down (i.e. the first move of the sequence against which Black has no defense).

  3. The move that should be found, must concern White’s shortest possible win. A move which introduces a win with a certain number of moves is incorrect if there is another way to win with less moves.

  4. If there are 2 or more solutions with the same number of moves, then any solution is sufficient.

  5. A win is either capturing Black’s last GIPF-piece, or making Black run out of pieces. For further details, we refer to the GIPF rulebook and to the appendix with FAQ’s: click

  6. The participants have a maximum of 2 hours to solve the 12 problems.

  7. Each participant will get a game of GIPF at his/her disposal.

  8. You will find all the specifications about how a move should be noted down on the next pages: click

  9. The winner:



So, which move should White make to force a win in maximally 6 (white) moves?

Problem  1 Problem  2 Problem  3 Problem  4
Problem  5 Problem  6 Problem  7 Problem  8
Problem  9 Problem  10 Problem  11 Problem  12


Note 1
Each problem is provided with 3 TIPS. The participants of the championship in London had to look for the solutions without these tips.

Note 2
Don’t feel frustrated if you don’t find as many of the solutions as you would like. As said before: even the most experienced Gipfers had real difficulties. Look at them as examples that reveal part of how GIPF can be played on a higher level.

Note 3
All the problems are checked and double checked in advance by several players, but, since GIPF is a rather new game, it must be said that the level of play - in general - has not reached the point where it is possible to give an absolute guarantee that no “bugs” will be found in the given problems. Any way, when the championship was over, all the problems (and their respective solutions) have been discussed thoroughly, and until now no backdoor has been detected. (Sigh of relief! Praise the Lord!)


GIPF - Problems © 1999, Kris Burm. All rights reserved.

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